Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
The things that spring to mind are pretty generic. Also they're all things that I'm pretty sure most of you know anyway (lesbian, atheist, nerd, fangirl). So let me put some thought into this and see what I can come up with...
1) I love flip flops. Wear them everyday. But I only started wearing them about 6ish years ago. My mom used to buy them for me as a kid but I refused to wear them because I hated the feeling of having something between my toes. No idea what changed, honestly. I just bought a pair one day and never looked back.
2) I have a metal plate and six screws in my right radius. If I turn it just right, you can hear the screws catch. It grosses people out (especially my sister) but I love it.
3) I prefer Dunkin Donuts iced coffee to just about any other coffee in existence. SO GOOD.
4) I have never in my life won a game of thumb war. Thanks, toe thumb.
5) I'm terrified of mannequins.
outforawalk discovered this a few weeks ago when we went to a museum that had a fashion exhibit and I almost had a freaking melt down just walking past the room with all the mannequins. *shudder* I'm okay(ish) if I'm looking DIRECTLY at them but if they're in my periphery or, even worse, behind me, I start to wig. Totally irrational, especially at 31 years of age, but I just can't get over the fear that they're going to come to life while I'm not looking. Okay, I have to stop talking about this now because I'm starting to freak out just thinking about it.
6) I haven't seen my natural hair color in over 15 years. Not even sure what it is anymore.
7) I don't care what the rest of the world says - I fucking love Grease 2 and no one will ever convince me that it is anything less than totally awesome.
8) I want a mastiff. I love big dogs. The bigger the better, really.
9) Some days I wish I had never started writing. I have an undeniable need to do it but the stress and fretting and constant doubt that comes along with that need is really starting to take a toll on me.