With Nanowrimo coming up next month, right now seemed like an ideal time for a Friending Meme for Writers! That said, you don't have to be participating in Nanowrimo to be a part of the Friending Meme, you just have to be a writer, author, fanficcer, person who likes to write, whatever you want to call yourself. LJ may not be the social hub that it used to be, but I know I'm still here, and I would love to have more writer friends to chat with, brainstorm with, and just generally support in our writing endeavors :))
So, you probably know the drill: copy and paste the form below into a new comment on this post, and fill in the form. If you see someone you'd like to be friends with in another comment, reply to their comment and see how you click!
ABOUT YOUName:Age:Location:What do you do for fun?What books, authors do you like?What TV shows, movies, music do you like? ABOUT YOUR WRITINGWhat do you write? (Short stories, novels, poetry, nonfiction, etc.)What genres do you write?How long have you been writing?What writing communities are you involved in? (Nanowrimo, AbsoluteWrite, RL writing groups)Do you write to be published, or are you just in it for fun? ABOUT YOUR JOURNALWhat kinds of things do you post on your journal?Any fandoms you're a part of? Anything else you want to share?