while I am ever so sorry to people for not updating this damn thing or even commenting on other people's damn things, I must say:
There is a foghorn going off every minute, because of the tremendous amount of fog. Imagine that. The entire city is covered- downtown, mainly, but still... Every. Minute. And there are two of them. Every. Minute.
I felt like shooting someone at 7:30 this morning.
In other news, my grandparents are still in town, and, get this- I DON'T HAVE TO GIVE UP MY ROOM!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, AMY DOES!!!!!!!!! YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES! *cough* not that i'm excited about that or anything.
In other other news, I spent last night watching the first hour of Moulin Rouge, and then playing the game called Sequence.
So. There's this game called Sequence. One would imagine that there would be sequences involved. In fact, one would be right- to a certain extent.
You see, you are dealt five cards. On a board in front of you, there are pictures of two of each card, and your job is to get five cards in a row with your little token thingy (which is a different colour for each team- I was blue) and place it on the card that you just took from your hand and placed on the table. It's Very Important, then, to PICK UP another card once you have placed that card from your hand onto the table and put down your token thingy before the next player starts their turn, because otherwise you DON"T GET to pick up another card, and you are left with four cards for the rest of the game. Yuu start off with five, see?
So, Jen is merrily playing this game- though not so willingly, as she had wanted to finish off Moulin Rouge, but it was FAMILY NIGHT, so that was out of the question- and she puts down her card, puts down her token thingy, and puts her hand down on the table. The next person goes, and puts their card down and their token thingy and picks up their card.
Jen, in the company of both her grandparents and her parents, mutters: Shit! I mean... darn... I forgot to pick up the card...
Cue the pitying looks and exasperated sighs, as Jen picks up her third card like that.
What a sad, sad night. And I went to bed at 12:30 feeling exhausted.