Oct 29, 2004 23:20
i wish i didn't like waste so much time on amanda. like when i was going out with her all i did was see her. and i feel like i could of had so much more fun. with rose its awesome. my friends like her and we all have fun together. from scary car rides with chris to getting the shit scared out of us in the cornfields...(i wasnt afraid). things are so awesome and i couldnt be happier...except if i had a car. but im getting a job and im goin to get one.
rose is so awesome. im so happy im with her. ive felt like a part of me was missing and its fading and i hardly ever get sad anymore. i always have something to look forward to. SEEING BABY! I MISS BABY. BABY BABY BABY. this is relationship is soo much better than me and amanda. when we first started going out. it was like a train and we rushed into everything. with rose its more controlled and i can really trust her. i see it. its in her eyes. i know that there isnt something we cant tackle together.