(no subject)

Jul 16, 2012 01:36

To everyone who commented on my last post requesting goods: thank you!! :) I just wanted to make another post to let you know what's going on. I won't have the goods until the weekend of August 11th and 12th. (We're getting them delayed from 711 in the first place and then I live in Osaka and the friend who is picking them up is in Tokyo).

Sometime before that I'll ask for your mailing address and when I get the goods I'll send them to you and then let you know how much the goods + shipping was and you can paypal that to me all at once. As I said, everything is 500 yen, so it will be 500 yen for each item, plus shipping and packaging (I get all of my packaging at the 100 yen shop so that won't be much haha). And I'm honestly too lazy to estimate shipping so it's just easier for me to charge for everything afterwards. XD

Anyway this is just a heads up of what's going on. It'll be about another month before I can send anything out so really don't worry about paying for anything just yet! XD

Also there are a couple of things still available if anyone wants them. :)
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