Your "funny" political post on FB isn't helping.

Nov 09, 2012 10:41

Subtitled: I want to use your religion against you, but I can't because I'm not religious.

First of all, let me say this - ::double checks to make sure FB still isn't linked to livejournal):: Thank goodness my FB isn't linked to my livejournal anymore so I can have a place to say whatever I want without having to worry about a huge backlash of comments. Though, I'm sad that (hardly) no one gets to read these brilliant thoughts that I produce.

Anyway, BACK TO THE POINT! I'm going to get to this point quickly, too. I'm not going to talk about how people shouldn't post hateful pictures or disrespectful comments. Nor am I going to talk about how people shouldn't complain about who was elected or not elected. I want to know this: How are YOU, personally, going to live your life to make this country/world a better place to live? If we focus on that question alone, then it shouldn't matter who's in charge. Certainly, the people in charge have big decisions to make about things, but is posting something harmful going to help in the overall scheme of things? No. (I hate telling other people what to do but...) you need to take control of your own life, examine the situation at hand, and work with what you've got. As every grandpa everywhere has said, "Complaining never helped anyone!"

So, back in 2000 when George Bush got elected and I didn't want that, did I immediately start attacking everyone around me? Nope. I continued to try and live my life and do the things that I wanted to do.

Here's what amazes me, though. A lot of times I'll see people who are "deeply religious" as the ones who are posting these things. These are the times when I want to turn around and say to them, "Hey, don't you have a book somewhere that says you shouldn't do that?" I can't, though. It's not my place. I want to be responsible for myself and, like I said before, not tell others what they should or shouldn't do.

Stop complaining about things. Start doing whatever you wanted to do in the first place. Enjoy your life.
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