So, here's the deal. I've been kicking around the idea of doing this for awhile, and now, long after it was fashionable, I've finally decided to give it a go. Just prompting for Mirage and Shockwave(see the previous post if you want a piece of the arrogant yet snark spy) at the moment. So claim away, and remember I reserve the right to interpret any prompt as I like. ;)
01. Naughty Shockwave
02. Happy Shockwave
03. Silly Shockwave: claimed by
wingus04. Angsty Shockwave: claimed by
dragoness_e05. On-Vacation Shockwave
06. Horny Shockwave
07. Transforming Shockwave: claimed by
beckyh211208. Excited Shockwave: claimed by
slackeremeritus09. Book-Reading Shockwave: claimed by
dragoness_e10. Dancing Shockwave
11. Jealous Shockwave: claimed by
sapphirebreeze12. Turned-On Shockwave
13. Caring Shockwave: claimed by Luna
14. On-His-Knees Shockwave
15. Obedient Shockwave: claimed by
ravynfyre16. Dominant Shockwave: claimed by
ravynfyre17. Naive Shockwave: claimed by
wingus18. Drinking Shockwave
19. Greedy Shockwave: claimed by
darkfire_blade20. Daring Shockwave
Exploring Shockwave: claimed by
slackeremeritus22. At The Beach Shockwave
23. Bath-Time Shockwave: claimed by
beckyh211224. Disheveled Shockwave
25. Exhausted Shockwave: claimed by
darkfire_blade26. Well-Shagged Shockwave
27. Kick-Ass Shockwave
28. Playing With Kids Shockwave: claimed by