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Apr 14, 2008 12:17

You know, I sometimes wonder why I go to the effort of trying. It's so goddamn frustrating when you spend a lot of time and effort working on something, only to get little to no reaction for your troubles. I'm not an attention whore; I like praise, of course, but I don't fish for it. At least I try not to fish for it. Sometimes I do I'm sure, when I'm feeling particularly in need of a pick-me-up.

But that's neither here nor there. I'm just irked that what should have grabbed the attentions of several parties didn't, or generated negative attentions instead. Perhaps it says something that it still bothers me now, several hours and a sleep cycle later, bothers me enough that I need to get the feelings out of my head.

And, yes, perhaps my expectations are too high. But then, why should I lower them? I hold myself to such expectations; why not others? It is not unrealistic to expect civil discourse on a subject as opposed to flouncing and self-degradation, immediate assigning or accepting of blame. It is not unrealistic to expect maturity. Unrealistic, perhaps, to expect the same level of maturity from those with less life experience, yes. But allowances can be and are made for that, allowances, not excuses.

I am just quite tired of being punished for my initiative.

/end the Angsty Cyn Interlude. We now return you to your regularly programme.

bitch moan whine complain

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