Broken Love (oneshot)

Feb 20, 2009 22:30

Title: Broken Love (oneshot)
Author: Air_mirage
Rating: PG
Pairing(s): IorixJun
Band(s): Phantasmagoria
Warning(s): None
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the members
Note(s): Sorry for any grammatical / syntax errors, english is not my first language. This is my first fic so... yeah I hope you guys enjoy.
Words: ~1,097
Summary:Love is not stable nor is it painless it has its share of ups and down. But the only thing one can do is learn how to live it.

Once again the month of February was here and in every place you would go all you could see were happy couples everywhere. This view and scenery going on was making sick a usually very friendly and happy pink haired guitarist. Things weren’t the same anymore because Iori had suddenly left him for some unknown reason. Ever since his lover had left Tokyo, no one could even approach him. He was cold, distant and simply not himself anymore. He cried like never before, his soul mate having left him with out a single trace, vanishing one morning leaving behind only a small note with few words that was destined to him.



The older man had been keeping this letter with him ever since that day desperately trying to understand what went wrong and what would happen next, without him at his side. Lost, that’s how he was feeling. His inspiration having leaved him at the same time the younger man did. It was almost like he did it on purpose, but why? That was what Jun did not understand at all. Why had he suddenly left without a single sound, but only with 2 simple words? He couldn’t see what went wrong the night before and even after playing the series of event hundred of time in his head, he still couldn’t see why.

That night, was the one they had decide to call it their “Valentine one” deciding to celebrate it earlier because they knew they wouldn’t have the time with the upcoming busy weeks. Like they had said, they went to have dinner and were finishing the night at Jun's place. Everything was as usual, passion and love filling their eyes and touches, until one simple gesture shattered everything, simply when Jun tried to unbuckle Iori's belt. At that very moment the honey blond simply broke their passionate kiss lifting himself up on both elbows looking at his lover right in the eyes.

“Let’s not go there tonight…”

Jun stared at him with a puzzled face, and knew something was wrong but at that time he thought that he simply did not feel good.

All of a sudden Jun realized what was the reason his friend haven’t been able to go through with it and that was why he had broken the momentum.

“ How could I've been so stupid?!”

He hate himself for this, how could he have of misinterpreted all of these signs? A huge wave of anger filled him up, he was angry at himself but also at Iori. Taking what was the closest to him, he threw a vase across the room that smashed against the wall. It was the only way he could find to release and deal with so much frustration. He rarely felt angry and always had a hard time dealing with this emotion when it boiled into his veins, it wasn’t normal for him.

Once again he sat on the couch, legs resting against his chest with his arms crossed on top of his knees hiding his head in his arms once again crying every tears of his body.


Iori was not capable to commit, and he was afraid to disappoint and hurt his lover once more. What he didn’t realized, was that by leaving his best friend he only made things worse.

The thought to leave him wasn’t something new, but he always pushed back the idea and he couldn’t see himself away from his pink haired guitarist, his love being too big. He didn’t know what had pushed him to leave him that night and he still wondered today. No, in reality he knew but didn’t want to see the truth. He was incapable of admitting that he was a coward after all, knowing that his selfish decision would deeply hurt Jun but he never was able to find another solution. He was aware that he was still too immature to stay in this relationship, at least for now. The only thing he could do from now on, was hoping that his lover would be able to forgive him when the time comes.

Months passed slowly, the time spent separated from him getting more and more unbearable. He hadn’t heard in voice in ages and not hearing his laugh only deepened the hole into his broken heart.


On a bright sunny day, Jun was coming back from the convince store, his habitual smile and enthusiasm printed on his face. Looking from left to right, he was about to crossed the street when he felt and hand wrapping itself around his arm. Everything happened in a flash and he found himself in the arms of a taller man who was kissing him like his life was depending on it. It only took him a few seconds to identify this person, exactly knowing who it was. Despite himself and the confusion of his emotions, he dropped the bags giving into this longing kiss.

“I am so sorry... I-I don’t know why I left you... I guess I needed time to think about us? I still think I am too immature or unstable for commitment. But I came to see that leaving you was the worst decision I ever made.”

“… ..I am glad you realized it Iori, but-“

The blond didn’t give him the time to finish, kissing him once more and more eagerly than the first time. Therefore, something was different this time which took him a bit by surprise. Jun wasn’t allowing that second kiss.

“What’s wrong love? I said I was sorry…”

“ … ..It’s not that Io… It just th-“

“Jun wait up! You forgot your wallet again. It’s a good thing I am here, uh? You’re such a silly boy!”

Both men looked at the guy running toward them and Jun felt like wanting to vanish from the surface of the planet feeling Iori’s dark eyes down on him. The light haired man saw the little cornered smile on his friend face despite his effort to hide it and saw his cheeks turning red a little bit more.

It was at that moment that he realized just how long it had been since that day, the day he decided to leave him. He tried to recall how many weeks it had been. Was it even weeks? No, it was more than that… A few months, even a year or 2? He couldn’t tell, but the only thing he could hope from now on, was that someday thing could finally be the same as they were.

fanfics, iorixjun, phantasmagoria

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