Day 0: This! This is why we cant have nice things.

Aug 21, 2009 01:06

Had lobster bisque and a turkey club at Dine Boston at Logan Terminal E, before security, because there was no security line when I arrived. Of course the security line backed up significantly while I was eating, making me wonder if I was going to make the first boarding call. I was fine until the incident wherein I grazed my razor with my finger in the security line and started bleeding everywhere.
So far, before touching down in any foreign country, I've managed to cut my finger badly enough to require EMTs, bleed all over the security line prep counter, get blood on my pants, rip my pants at the pocket, fail security once, spill the top of a stack of cups. Some days I wonder why I'm not confined to a padded cell to curb the risk of self inflicted wounds.
Can't use wi-fi in Boston with my T-mobile account because I have a gifted account and using it there requires a roaming surcharge, which costs almost as much as a day pass.
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