Nov 02, 2012 19:27
I should update more often, but my life is pretty mediocre... sleep, work, eat, gym... rinse and repeat..
Although having said that. I now have a shiny new motorbike ramp/lift for doing work on the beasty. No more crawling round on the floor for me! Some more tools and a new TIG welder and I can start doing custom work for extra dosh... might be nice..
Although my weight has stopped decreasing (at 18st) my waist appears to still be shrinking... I now have to buy a new belt and some new jeans 'cos they're falling down and the jeans have a gap round the front that I could stick a baby down.. I used to wear those without a belt too... I suppose fat is exchanging itself for muscle now, which explains the weight stabilisation, as muscle weighs heavier than fat. Mostly noticing the fat loss round my face and neck atm.
The company I work for wants to move... to a location about half a mile from home. WHOOP! This means I can probably stop using the car so much, a nice saving in fuel every week. Hopefully it all goes through 'cos it'd be nice to see the company changing in a positive way for once.
The insurers of the paradmedic that hit me in April 2011 have put forward a motion to accept 70 percent liability for the accident, which means I'm now guaranteed a payout for my injuries... although I've still got to have more medical tests to assess the actual internal damage to my shoulder and arm and the nerves running to my (still) numb fingers. Although I'll only recieve 70 percent of the total finally awarded due to the split liability.
Here's hoping I win the lottery tonight... 80 odd million... reckon I could JUST about live on that... *grin*