Aug 11, 2010 19:41
Jo had some cartilage removed from her knee today as it had split and was causing problems.
I've taken today and tomorrow off from work in case she needs help getting around, but she seems fine so far, apart from one instance of being sick, probably a left-over from the general anaesthetic.
I've also started spring cleaning the house.
Checked with the landlord and he was fine with me dumping an old fridge and chest freezer that have been cluttering up the place, along with a few other odds and sods.
Gonna strip this computer room down (don't panic if I disappear for a few days) and get all the flaky paint off the walls, repaint and build a purpose built computer area in the bay part and hopefully turn the rest of the room into a studio space and a place for my weights bench and sit-up board, 'cos I'm fed up of being a slightly fat bastard and am going to tone up.
I'm already cutting out one meal a day, choosing the missing mealtime at random to confuse my body into continuously using the stored body fat I have whilst cutting out about a third of my calorie intake. Been doing this for a week and a half and already my stomach is noticably flatter. I feel a little lighter on my feet too. Although I only look slightly plump I am currently pushing 20 Stones and know that 15.5-16 is my optimum.
That's going to get expensive though... means I'll have to buy all new clothes. Heh.