Hello friends and people who are not really my friends(because people that add me never talk to me). Any who.. Whats up with you guys?(actually answer). Ive been trying to convince mark to get an LJ so that if we mention him he can be like: "Me?" lmao.
[1] What song has made you cry?
[2] What song has made you angry?
Just want to know, because this one song from liv's playlist: Frou Frou- "the dumbing down of love" That song made me cry ^^ for some reason.
what they are saying,
blurred to white,
frozen in the air,
each word an icicle,
each story a tundra,
not enough to change my mind,
they yell into the cold again;
'" go away, stay away'''
good friends, good ice pops of worries.
wtf? Kinda made everyone a popcicle, and no this has nothing to do with any of my friends....I was just bored.