Nov 22, 2004 01:15
ooh my weekend has been spiffing.
thursday i saw was forced to see THE GRUDGE and i probably only viewed about 2quids worth of cinema because i LOATH scary films.
or, just ones that make you jump. embarassing n that. and when you're with richy you don't exactly get let off easily when you make an arse out of yourself.
there was a japanese lady standing outside afterwards, just standing, and i thought that was FAR too much of a coincidence since i had just watched some japanese zombies flail around for a while, so i shat my panties.
needless to say someone took that to their full advantage but he's still moulting bits of popcorn from his scalp so it's ok.
saturday was weezypop's birthday BASH, and i got too drunk at the hall and went home about 1. RAWK.
today i saw THE INCREDIBLES was was less than incredible but still a good ol' PIXAR night out.
now i am finally finished my first ever essay for the artskewl which is due in 8 hoors. likehowfuckingstudentyami.
mmmm, i missed staying up late to meet deadlines, I FEEL SO ALIVE.