POTR Complete!

Sep 02, 2010 13:34

Yesterday was September 1st. It was a strange day- still slodging through the first week of classes, going through the Parking Dance of Hell, and running late to my first class because a herd of 4 to 5 deer thought it would be a great idea to prance down the mountain road I take to get to the college. Honking did not deter them. Yea, deer. For some many minutes, too.

September 1st, seven years ago, was also the day I posted up my first chapter of my first fan fiction story, a crossover between LOTR and the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. These many years- and several upon several edits- later, I am COMPLETE. I posted Ch 43 yesterday.

If you are the sort who doesn't mind romps into AU land, and have some spare time on your hands, please feel free to read the story here. Not all crossovers are bad- if you have never read a crossover, give it a shot! I have put more work into this story than any other story I have ever written.

What you see now is *not* what I first wrote at the tender age of 13. Very little exists of that edition; it was edited long ago. The editing history of this story is something of a ride in itself. About two years later, when something around most of FOTR, if not also part of TTT, was written for the story and I was 15 and then in HS, I realized that there were several parts of it that were crap, and the story went through its first major edit.

The story saw very little work done to it throughout my sophomore and junior years of HS. I wrote the rest of TTT and edited some more stupid things in 2007, right before I entered my senior year. When I went back to the story in my first semester of college, I took a good look at it and realized that there was no way in the world I could continue the story the way it looked as it did. I posted up the first chapter of ROTK and got to work.

Throughout the months of Oct-Dec of 2008 the story saw some major revisions. A couple ridiculous subplots were taken out, some characterizations- most notably Arwen's and Jack's- were put back on track, a lot of grammar was revised, and some 20,000 words was added to older chapters in the story. After that, I was able to continue the story.

In 2009 half of ROTK was published, and then throughout 2010 that last part of ROTK was put up. Editing done throughout 09-10 was for grammar only. And, finally, yesterday was the last time I touched the story. 208,500 words, 43 chapters, and seven years in the making, and it's done. Yes, I am very proud of myself :D

What now? Well, I have two fan fic projects currently going on. The first one, the one most of you are familiar with now, is the "epic", now titled Hearts of Men. It is over 200 pages and, discounting all the notes written in there, somewhere along the lines of 80-85k words. It will likely be somewhere around two dozen chapters, and assuming the average word length of the chapters remains in the 6k-7k range (as my chapters are now)... that would mean that I am about halfway done writing this story! :D This is assuming that it remains about 24 chapters, the number of chapters may grow. Chapter length has already grown twice, hehe. I hope to have this story out in mid-2011.

A story that unexpectedly popped up on July 31st is a crossover between Buffy/LOTR, co-written with narukyu. And it is looking to be a very fun story. The story will be LOTR bookverse- and you can guess easily which LOTR character it stars- and will take place after Season 3 in Buffy-verse. I started writing chapter one last night, and once finished with my section, will send it off to narukyu for her to add anything and for her to put up her own section of writing. I will predominantly be writing in Aragorn's pov (third person limited, none of this "I" first person stuff... except for the prologue, which I want to dabble down before I forget), and she'll be predominantly writing Buffy's pov, though we'll definitely be contributing to both parts. It is bound to be a fun project. While we may post the story only when it is completely finished, we may also post when we have a clearer outline of the middle so there are no additions to the beginning or anything. Depending on our muses, and schedules, this may come out earlier than the other story.

That's that. Four day weekend this weekend, and my work is going to start soon, so lots of things to do... cheers all!

writing, fanfic, lotr, buffy the vampire slayer

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