Meme and Fandom Stuff

Jan 10, 2010 14:16

Stolen from someone else :D Ask!

Ask me one fandom-related question in the comments. This can be fandom specific, general, or about fandom/lj stuff/fic writing/etc. in general. Favorite character, favorite moment, unpopular opinion, something about a fic of mine... whatever. Subparts allowed. Wackiness encouraged.

Finally finished transcribing Andy Serkis interview, will post up if it comes up anytime soon- there are still some holes to be filled, lots of noise in it, so someone with better audio equipment than I will likely look it over. Still, the bulk of the work there is done.

Check out- and join- the Tolkien club on deviant art today :D

I posted chapter 37 of the never-friggin-ending POTC/LOTR crossover. But I only have like, 7 or so chapters left! Woohoo! Next chapter is the Houses of Healing (one of my favorite chapters in the book). Then I can devote all writing time to other stories :D I was rereading earlier parts of the story again, and while it's a far cry from the awfulness it was when I first wrote them in 03-04 (there was a lot of tense issues and horrible characterization then), I think I'll likely give them one last edit before finishing it off.

Also posted a G-rated, Yuletide one-shot that features all the Fellowship plus a couple residents of Rivendell.

So, when I finish the crossover- hopefully in the summer, if I can somehow do a chapter a month and the muses flipping cooperate- I'll work more on Teh Unnamed Epic. Epic because it's already too long and maybe a fourth written XD Stars Aragorn, Faramir, minor canon characters, and a bunch of OCs. Chapters 1-3 are completely written, 4 is almost done (finally), 5 is getting there, and I don't even know what I'm doing with 6 and 7 (beyond some main points). Once I get to 7 I'm sending off the whole thing to my beta. I don't imagine it coming any earlier than the summer. And after that I have so many things to write I don't know where I'll begin XD

Starting school tomorrow, so I'm hoping I can somehow balance work, school, and all this fandom stuff- volunteer work with communities, art, and writing- together! XD Cheers!

fanfic, lotr, torn, meme, tolkien

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