Apr 09, 2005 18:54
Spring break just started and my father is already trying to ruin it by coming up with assanine "projects" for me to complete.
And speaking of Frank, he is really getting on my nerves lately. He never does ANYTHING to help around the house. Anytime an errand has to be run and my mom asks him, he makes me do it. It would be different if he worked a 10 hour day like my mom does, but he just sits around at home. And all the man can talk about is basketball. It is beyond obsession. I don't even think there's a word for it. Sure basketball is awesome, but Jesucristo.
Everyone is going to be gone at various times during break making it impossible to hang out.
I am so scared of failing trig and getting rescinded and having to start all over, and live at home for another year or too. I think I'd kill myself.
Third Watch was on last night and it rocked the house. Words cannot describe how pissed I am that it is canceled, when shit like Malcolm In The Middle or whatever is still on.
So glad I didn't go to that party last night. Staying the night, intoxicated, in the house of someone you barely know, with their FATHER present, is too much for me to handle, I think.