wow im fucking bored.

May 04, 2004 22:52

*Name: Eric Michael Hannoush :*
*Gender: male
*Age: 15
*Height: 5'10"
*Hair Color: black
*Location: Chandler (yeah, it blows)
*Fears: hmmm.. black people.

Section 2/ Have You Ever
*Peed Your Pants? maybe when i was little?
*Cheated on Someone? heh... no
*Fallen Off The Bed? ALL the time
*Fallen For A Relative? ewwww
*Had Plastic Surgery?, if i did then i'd be good looking
*Failed A Grade? nah
*Broken Someone's Heart? hah probably
*Had Your Heart Broken? yeah right
*Had A Dream Come True? uh huh, i always dream about shit before it happens
*Done Something You Regret? not really
*Cheated On A Test? lol i just did in math
*Been Raped? i wish :)
*Broken A Body Part? nah dude

Section 3/ Currently

*Wearing: boxers
*Listening To: Senses Fail
*Chewing: my lip
*Feeling: stressed
*Reading: IMs
*Located: computer room
*Watching: my penis grow
*Should REALLY Be: hmm.. copying math hw, wriing a business letter, doing 2 reading logs, doing chem phys questions.. take your pick

Section 4/ Do You

*Brush Your Teeth: duh
*Like Anybody? you bet!
*Have Any Piercings? teehee just got my ear pierced 8)
*Drive? i wish
*Believe In Santa Claus? ...
*Ever Get Off The Computer? only to sleep/nap

Section 5/ Friends

*Who Is Your Best Friend? hmm good question
*Who Is The Loudest? i have no clue
*Who Is The Shyest? no one really, unless bowie puts on a shy act (its really cute)
*Who Is The Hottest? all my friends are hot
*Who Is The Cutest? didnt u just ask me that?
*Who Laughs The Most? idk?
*Who Have You Known The Longest? Hec
*Who Have You Known The Shortest? alot of people
*Do You Only Hang Out With A Certain Type? i dont think so?
*Do You Belong To A Crew? NB and WAC
*Do You Hang Out With The Opposite Sex? yeah
*Do You Cosider Yourself Popular?
*Do You Trust Your Friends? not at all
*Are You A Good Friend? depends on my mood
*Can You Keep A Secret? depends on who its for and how big of a secret

Section 6/ The Last Person You...

*Hugged: i think ash
*Talked To On The Phone: hec
*Yelled At: mom
*Turned Down: idk
*Tripped: huh?

Section 7/ Personal

*What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? still pondering ideas :/
*What Was The Worst Day Of Your Life? idk, my days aren't ever that bad
*What Is Your Most Embarrassing Story? idk, something to do with my hairy ass lol
*What Has Been The Best Day Of Your Life? i dunno
*What Comes First In Your Life? family
*Do You Have A Boyfriend/ Girlfriend/ Crush? yes
*If You Had An Extra Set Of Eyes Where Would You Put Them? on my shoes so i can see up people's skirts! wewt wewt
*What Do You Usually Think About Before You Go To Bed? everything.. thats when i think, before i sleep and when im on the shitter.

Section 8/ Favorites

*Movie: hmm good question
*Song: Probably Forever(as i lay dying) .. maybe On Wings Of Lead (Bleeding Through)
*Group: as i lay dying, bleeding through, killswitch, fata, atreyu.. wow i can keep going
*Store: probably hollister
*Relative: armani
*Sport: basketball or football even though i suck at both
*Vacation Spot: probably cali
*Ice Cream Flavor: strawburrrry
*Fruit: prunes.. (eww)
*Candy: anything sweet with alot of sugar
*Holiday: christmas.. the only time our family really comes together
*Day: Friday
*Color: hmmm mint green
*Magazine: revolver
*Name For A Girl: hmm.. i like alot.
*Name For A Boy: probably taylor

Section 9/ Do You...

*Like To Give Hugs? depends on who
*Like To Walk In The Rain? not really, i prefer kissing
*Sleep With Or Without Clothes On? i sleep completely naked
*Prefer Black Or Blue Pens? Blue
*Dress Up On Halloween? if im not stuck at home givin freakin candy out to little kids..
*Have A Job? i need one.
*Like To Travel? not long distances
*Like Someone? you bet
*Sleep On Your Side, Tummy, Or Back? i like to cuddle
*Think You're Attractive? not really
*Want To Marry? eventually
*Have A Goldfish? never.. i was deprived as a kid
*Ever Have The Falling Dream? freakin all the time, especially when i fall asleep in class
*Have Stufed Animals? yes :X
*Go On Vacation? um duh..

Section 10/ What Do You Think About...

*Abortion? against
*Bill Clinton? he's hot
*Eating Disorders? who cares, hopefully they die
*Suicide? if they're dumb enough to kill themselves then they dont deserve to live. (my almost-famous quote)
*Summer? i live for summer.
*Tattoos? as long as they're not too big
*Piercings? they're tight as long as it's not guaged really really huge cuz im scurrd of that
*Make Up? go for it
*Drinking? <3
*Guys? some are tight, some are gay
*Girls? ..<333

Section 11/ This Or That?

*Pierced Nose Or Toungue? nose
*Be Serious Or Funny? Funny
*Simple Or Complicated? Simple
*Law Or Anarchy? law
*MTV Or BET? mtv.. only cuz of headbanger's ball on mtv2
*7th Heaven Or Dawson's Creek? neither, all those shows blow
*Sugar Or Salt? sugar
*Gold Or Silver? gold
*Tongue Or Belly Button Ring? Belly Button
*Chocolate Or Flowers? Flowers
*Angels Or Miracles? angels
*Sunrise Or Sunset? Sunset
*M&M's Or Skittles? Skittles
*Rap Or Rock? Rock
*Stay Up Late Or Sleep In? both
*TV Or Radio? radio
*Hot Or Cold? cold
*Taller Members Of The Opposite Sex Or Shorter? hmm.. right in the middle/short
*Sun Or Moon? moon
*Diamond Or Ruby? Diamond.. my birth stone
*Left Or Right? Right
*10 Acquaintances Or One Best Friend? 1 best friend
*Vanilla Or Chocolate? Chocolate
*Kids Or No Kids? Kids
*Cat Or Dog? Dog
*Half Empty Or Half Full? Half empty
*Mustard Or Ketchup? ketchup, i hate mustard with a passion
*Newspaper Or Magazine? Magazine, only revolver though
*Spring Or Fall ? spring
*Give Or Receive? neither
*Rain Or Snow? snow
*Lace Or Satin? uhhhh?
*A Year Of Hot Sex Or A Lifetime Of Friendship? year of hot sex 8)
*Corduroy Or Plaid? uhhhh?
*Wonder Or Amazement? wonder
*Sneakrs Or Sandals? sandals
*McDonald's Or Burger King? burger king
*Mexican Or Italian Food? Italian!
*Lights On Or Lights Off? On
*Duct Tape Or Scotch Tape? scotch
*Candy Or Soda? soda
*A House In The Woods Or In The City? city
*Pepsi Or Coke? pepsi
*Nike Or Adidas? nike

Section 12/ Other Questions

*Do You Go To Church? not anymore
*Do You Like Church? not at all
*Why Or Why Not? freakin boring.. i have a short attention span
*What's Your Favorite Kind Of Tree? maple because it reminds me of michigan
*Out Of All Of Your Friends, Who Has The Coolest Room? randal.. his legendary room <3
*When You Look At A Person With Lime Green Tights On, What's The First Thing That Comes To Your Head? boner?

i jacked this nigger shit from aria, im hella bored and i dont want to do hw.

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