sOoOoOoOo BoReD!!

Jun 10, 2004 17:04

-- Name: ErIc MiChAeL HaNnOuSh
-- Birth date: APril 30 1989 biaaaatch

-- Nickname: SoOoOo MaNy!! ToO mAnY tO nAmE!!

-- Current Location: ChAnDlEr, AZ!
-- Eye Color: BrOwN!

-- Hair Color: BlAcK!
-- Height: 5'10"!!!
-- Righty or Lefty: RiGhTy!
-- Zodiac Sign: TaUrUs!

-- The shoes you wore today: nOnE!
-- Your weakness: HmMmMm MaNy ThInGs!
-- Your fears: ThE wHiTe CaDiLlAc!

-- Your perfect pizza: AlL tHe MeAtS!
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Be RiCh WhEn I aM oLdeR!

-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: hAhAhAHa!
-- Your thoughts when you first wake up: DaAaAaAa
-- Your best physical feature: mY hAiRy AsS!

-- Your bedtime: WhEnEvEr!

-- Most missed memory: I dOn'T mIsS aNyThInG!

-- Pepsi or Coke: PePsI!
-- McDonald's or Burger King: EiThEr WoRkS fOr Me
-- Adidas or Nike: NiKe!
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: NeStEa!!
-- Chocolate or vanilla: ChOcOlAtE!
-- Cappuccino or coffee: CaPpUcCiNo!

-- Smoke: nOoOoOo, SmOkInG iS vErY bAd! TeEhEe!
-- Cuss: uMm DuH!!
-- Sing: oH yEaH!
-- Take a shower everyday: nAh, OnCe A wEeK iS gOoD fOr Me!

-- Have a crush(es): WhO kNoWs AnYmOrE!

-- Do you think you've been in love: HeLlLlLl No!
-- Want to go to college: DeFiNaTeLy
-- Like(d) high school: I lOvE hIgH sChOoL!

-- Believe in yourself: sUrE wHy NoT!

-- Get motion sickness: NeGaTiVe
-- Think you're attractive: NoT rEaLlY!
-- Think you're a health freak: uMmMm WhAt?!
-- Get along with your parents: Oh YeAh My PaReNtS rOcK!
-- Play an instrument: I wIsH!

In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: yEs
-- Smoked: nOoOoOo, TeEn SmOkInG iS vErY bAd!
-- Done a drug: =O! WhO dOEs DrUgS!?
-- Had Sex: I wIsH!! hAhAhAhAH!!!
-- Made Out: yEs
-- Gone on a date: nOt InTeNtIoNaLly
-- Gone to the mall?: Of CoUrSe! I lIkE lIvE aT tHe MaLl!!
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: hAhAhAhAhAHAH yES!!
-- Eaten sushi: gRoSs!
-- Been on stage: nO!
-- Been dumped: WaS iT a MoNtH aGo?!
-- Gone skating: nO!
-- Made homemade cookies: nOpE!
-- Gone skinny dipping: tEeHeE.. oOpS!
-- Dyed your hair: nOpE!
-- Stolen anything: gUm! HaHa!

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: PoSsSs
-- If so, was it mixed company: nO, aN aLl GuY oRgY!! YAY!!
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: HeLl YeA!!
-- Been caught "doing something": MoRe ThEn I'd LiKe To ReMeMbEr!!

-- Been called a tease: NaHhH!
-- Shoplifted: HuH? hehe!
-- Changed who you were to fit in: nO! i Am WhO i Am!

-- Age you hope to be married: 22 aNd 3 MoNtHs!
-- Numbers and Names of Children: aS mAnY aS tHe MiSsEs CaN pOP oUt!
-- How do you want to die: LoNg AnD pAiNfUl!!
-- Where you want to go to college: UnIvErSiTy Of MiChIgAn! Or UcLa!
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: sTiLl PoNdErInG iDeAs
-- What country would you most like to visit: DeFiNaTeLy ItAlY!

-- Best eye color? I pReFeR bLuE!~
-- Best hair color? I aM a BrUnEtTe LuVr!!
-- Height: uNdEr 5'8!
-- Best weight: I hAtE fAt PeOpLe!
-- Best articles of clothing: nOnE ;) tEeHeE!
-- Best first date location: WhO cArEs!
-- Best first kiss location: WhO cArEs!

-- Number of people I could trust with my life: hAhAhA i TrUsT nO oNe
-- Number of CDs that I own: Oh LoRd WhO kNoWs
-- Number of piercings: LeFt EaR! tEeHeE!
-- Number of tattoos: nOnE yEt!

yAh So OkAY sUmMer Is LiKe SoOoOo BoRiNg!! So I lIkE dId ThIs To KiLl TiMe!!
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