Jan 22, 2004 15:09
whoa nelly. i gotta stop this thing. work yesterday was lame. the copier was broken, so we did mostly nothing in the training class. then we did a little and took a "tour" of the building (she showed us one room). after i got off work, i went back to the apt and saw aymie. then we went and got a free papa john's pizza. then aymie went to charleston. i hope she has fun there. tony showed up and asked if i could take him to chris's house and i did. there were people there, but i didn't feel like hanging out, so i took off. i got back to the apt and sat around. i was gonna do laundry, but decided to spend my laundry money on gas and beer. i did that, and called danelle. she was cleaning and asked if i wanted to come drink my 40 with her. when i got there, she was almost done, so we sat around while she drank natty light and i drank a cobra and talked about books. after i'd downed the rest of my 40, we went to marco's. i had a decent buzz and i think she did too, so we went there and split a beer. then she told me "the gas station stops selling beer in 15min, if yer driving, i'm buying". yer goddamn right i did. she got miller high life and we went back to the apt again. her roommate was there, as was this guy ron she knew. her roommate seemed to have a big problem with the fact that i don't pay for food. "it's people like me that are making food for you". whatever buddy. if you've got a problem with it, you should stop paying for food too. we all should. that guy ron was a bit of a dick, but he was ok i guess. we were talking about jawbreaker and he said "i used to live with this guy who was in a band that pretty much ripped off jawbreaker. have you heard of the connie dungs". holy shit that was the coollest thing he said all night. i talked about my love for mutant pop and he said "yeah, tim chandler stayed at our house for like a week one time". i liked him a little better after that but he was still pretty lame. anyway, danelle was pretty insistent that i stay there and sleep on the couch, but i was drunk and wanted to go home. so after a brief confusing conversation about when i should call her "i go in at 11:30 tomorrow and i get done at 11:15" (now that i'm sober i remember she has 2 jobs), i left. the drive home was easy enough. when i got back to the apt, it was empty. so i sat around, wrote some and then went to sleep. this morning, i woke up, and tried to go sell plasma, but i can't do it till tomorrow. i don't have much gas, so i parked back at the apt, walked here and will walk to work. hopefully, i can make it back to the plasma center tomorrow before i run out. we'll see i guess.
i brought my notebook, but i don't feel like sharing,