2015 - %Extra: Valentine's Requests

Feb 13, 2015 10:45

Somewhere along the line I crossed the 600 member mark (probably last year, where icons were scarce and so was I, and thus we will never speak of it again) so to say thank you for like-loving my icons, VALENTINES REQUESTS. Posted on Black Friday. Best combination of days EVER!

Feel free to request up to 3 of the following, I'll try to whip up a decent amount of everything, and if you have any queries or questions don't hesitate to ask.

♥ ♥ ♥

Requesting: [Delete unnecessary options]

Icons: [Fandom | Character(s) | Style(s) | Other Information]

Larger Graphics: [Type (Banner, Header, Wallpaper, Tumblr Edit) | Size | Style(s) | Other Information]

Textures: [Size | Style(s) | Colour(s) | Other Information]

Fanmix: [Fandom or theme | Music genre(s)]

Icon Battle: [Fandom(s) or Theme(s)]

-extra, .requests

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