Player Name: Kel
AIM: invaderke1
Timezone: US EST
Other Characters:
It's all Farrah's fault. Anyway. Permission / Crit / Plot / Contact / Spam / Mailbox / Whatever else you can think of. Anons are screened.
☆ Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/maybe so?: Fine by me.
☆ Backtagging with this character - yes/no/maybe so?: Backtagging is frosting on the cake. Also, kick me in the shins if I drop a thread you want to continue. It's okay!
☆ Hugging this character?: Bro hugs are ai'ight.
☆ Giving this character a kiss?: ... I'm not sure where you would you kiss him, but go ahead.
☆ Punching this character: Just let me know a bit ahead of time of the possibility.
☆ Is there anything ought not be mentioned near this character?: ... Not really.
☆ Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, fighting abilities, STUFF: "Special physical features"? He's a bright red three-legged alien with no mouth and eye-stalks instead of a head. How's that for special physical features?
☆ Anything else, please mention here: HE'S RAPMASTER DJ TJ, YO. idk.