For all you wonderful writers and would-be writers on my best beloved flist, take the plunge and go and
sign up for the all-new Jack/Will ficathon! There's already lots of great prompts and wonderful writers involved, so if you long for good new fic, why not try creating it along with us over at
jackwill .
(My sample entry)
Your Name: AinSoph15
LJ-User Name:
ainsoph15How We Can Contact You: PM
Pairing/Character: Jack/Will
Prompt 1: A
news pamphlet,
diary entry, or travelogue (in the style of
'Gulliver's Travels' or Dampier's
'A New Voyage Round the World') using 18th century grammar, style and noun capitalisation, written either by Jack or Will or by a third party about them and their adventuring and relationship. (MAJOR bonus points and squeeing if you write 18th century smut, or allude to it ;D)
Pairing/Character: Jack/Will
Prompt 2: Mermen. Take this however you like. It could be that Jack and Will encounter them on their journeying, or that one or the other of them is a merman, or that there's a dark and stormy night and tales of the merfolk are told etc etc. This can take place at any point during or after the films; I'd also be over-the-moon with a modern AU setting. I would also love it if you use some of the old
mythology (selkies; Dagon; näkki; and my favourite -
The Wildman of Orford). Seriously, let loose with this one :)
WILL WRITE: Pretty much anything that's not on my 'not write' list.
WILL NOT WRITE: Extreme tortureporn; rapefic; bestiality; scat; m-preg; threesomes (unless the third is a vector to the introduction of a new J/W relationship and not the main focus of the story).
DOES NOT WANT TO RECEIVE: Anything on my 'not write' list.
XD I'm excited!