Oct 12, 2005 11:40
Note to self: do not get Irish Cream syrup shit in latte again; it is icky.
I actually got a full night's sleep, which is exciting. I can keep my eyes open today!
Which is good, because, uh, FINAL DRAFT FRIDAY. Kristen was amazing and ripped my thesis apart. LOVE it. Now I just have to, you know, reconcile my thesis to fit with everything. And I'm still missing Lisa's peer edit, which I very much believe is in the possession of one of my group members...you don't lose a paper over a course of ten feet. Someone had to have picked it up accidentally, because I'm pretty sure walking upstairs with a zipped bookbag didn't make it disappear.
Shit, need to find Rodriguez's office hours and bring my lab book by. Greeeeat. I hate Spanish so much.
Also should figure out what I'm taking next semester...Core, American Politics, Intro to Religious Studies? Maybe an Anthro. Or fill up some Liberal Studies requirements. Hmm. Have to talk to my stupid undecided advisor. YARGH.
The shower alarm went off this morning. I knew it wasn't the fire alarm and I was thinking maybe I could go on sleeping through it. SO OBNOXIOUS but then I got back into my bed from the cold hallway and my sheets and blankets were still warm and it was sooooo nice. And our lame German/Croatian/"I am dancer, I am gymnast!"/random Eastern European neighbours were blaring techno at 1. Yeah, the same ones who knocked my door down Saturday night when we were listening to chill music quietly and drinking tea and told us we were being outrageously loud. Bitches.
To do:
-Minor Demons critique
-Eastern Religions Come to Western PA critique
-thesis edits
-return lab book
-7:30 services
-call my sister/Becca/various others before then and apologize
The transition between "Brand New Colony" and "Natural Anthem" KILLS me, but what a beautiful death it is.
It is National Coming Out week and I feel bereft without my "I Support Equality" t-shirt. Must talk to Sarah.
People are really weirding me out here, more and more frequently. I have a VERY small number of people I'm comfortable with. I really like the upperclassmen and wish I could talk to them more, but I appreciate the conversations/interactions we do have. The problem is with our year. Yeah, they're my friends, but there's only so much I can tolerate...which is similar to how it was in Dover, I can interact with a lot of people but it doesn't mean I'm going to tell them important shit or allow them to invade my personal space. There are seriously about two people allowed to do that, and when people think it's okay to do shit to me...this is not okay, and I get so fucking uncomfortable, but how do you say that to people? "Uh, bitch, get your hands off me NOW." Not everyone is Kelly, not everyone can get away with being touchy-feely all over everyone; I understand this concept. I don't get all grabby hands with the vast majority of people because of this. I pick up on when it's okay to interact with people in different ways...I don't understand why others don't understand this. I feel bad cause I definitely freaked out last night and left Tony to defend himself but I was tired as hell and too exhausted to pretend it didn't bother me so I abandoned the poor kid. SORRY (also, I still win).
Breaking out the cold weather music and the sweaters is AMAZING. I'm such a happy girl. Now, if I just didn't hate non-Core classes this would be good. Next semester makes me really excited because I know I have non-prereq options and this is fantastic.
Well...I should complete the labs I haven't been working on and turn that bitch in.
I think I'm going to steal Kelly's copy of A Separate Peace over fall break and do massive amounts of knitting/reading on the way back to Dover. (I've been having these ridiculous sensory memories of sophomore year when me and Becca and our moms went to Ocean City for that Hawaii convention and Becca and I ran around the boardwalk and flew kites into hotels and got lashed by gusts off the ocean and bought coffee, "now girls, have you ever used these lids before?" and took our crazy old time whore pictures, and of last October when everyone came home and we watched the debates and my car broke down and there was an amazing mix CD and coffee and Fifer Orchards.) I am very much looking forward to good friends and food and family and BEACH during break.
No Core all next week. Amazing. And presentations kicked ass, especially with Justin's amazing molestation of "Equus" and Josh's operatic Tarwater. PASS/FAIL, BITCHES!
<3 JEFF BUCKLEY. "Sketches for my Sweetheart the Drunk," both CDs, reminds me of All-State soooo much. Wow, I miss All-STate. The auditions, the sectionals, the practices, the concert. All the car rides to and fro...mmm, nostalgia. Back when Andrea was Andrea.
This is the sexiest song EVER.