[so dance alone to the beat of your heart]

Aug 28, 2016 22:53

My day started with reading and a nap, and then apparently I have leftover happiness from yesterday because I was grinning and happy through my entire (expanded!) workout. I also PBed my 4 miles by 90+ seconds and found my max pace, which is good to know.

Two days ago I was all out of hope for having a good 5K in three weeks, but now? I won't be the one I want (running), but it will likely be faster than last year, and that's not nothing. Going to put a couple of other things on the calendar, because one race a year makes it hard to sustain urgency.

I went to volunteer later, and was worried about how things were going to work out, because my organizer is leaving and the other organizer already has data people. But now there are two new people who were very excited to hear about my skill set and availability.

As for the start of the week, lunch is made for tomorrow, and both work and gym clothes are ready. Not in bed quite early enough, but, eh.

What good did you accomplish today, or what made you happy?

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