It turns out that when you get a new job right before the busiest time of the year for your department, and that department unexpectedly shrinks three weeks later, all while you're dealing with a home problem that doesn't warrant specifying but does give you insight into why actually living in olden times sucked...a lot falls off your plate. (This was not the one I interviewed for; I indeed did not get that, but I got a different job within the company anyway.)
The new job is excellent, and is going to get progressively quieter until November. My small department handles the customer service issues for a chain of ~150 stores in an industry that is heavily skewed toward winter, so November and December are kinda hectic. Good time to learn on the job, though. :)
That's basically the only thing that's happened in the past couple of months; not much of note occurred. I'm looking forward to a new year that is already bringing a formidable challenge: figuring out how to replace my car on a limited budget without sacrificing either of my planned trips. (Speaking of, anyone need a roommate for MJ?)
As for what I'm looking forward to, it's catching up with all of you. My life has a huge hole in it when I'm not here. What're you most anticipating?
eta: was going to try increasing my push-up capacity by one a day this month. turns out I've lost a bit more strength than I expected. Modified push-ups it is!
Also, I read something I really enjoyed today. If you're at all into hockey and haven't read
We Are Who We Are, it's probably my favorite new-to-me story in the past month or so.
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