[say what you want to say]

May 02, 2014 23:56

I failed to make my needed doctor's appointment, but not for lack of current effort (just interference by past!me). I am struggling in day 2 of my 5K training, but unlike all efforts in recent years, I haven't injured myself, which is really brilliant. I am really fucking glad it's the weekend, because I am.

I want very much to read something, but haven't the least clue what. I miss books a lot, sometimes. It's weird, being known for being a sports fanatic but not as a bookworm. Evolution, I suppose.

Literally as I was writing this I put together that I'm feeling better in part because spring. Oh, sun, how I need you.

Even though I know "Brave" is the title of the song, I always mishear the lyric as "I want to see you be free", and I prefer it that way. They're basically synonyms, in this usage, but brave makes it seem that there's something to fear and free means letting go of the fear. Bravery is, I guess, a step toward freedom, but, tbh, I'd rather wish freedom than bravery. How about you?

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