Name: Aino Minako
Age: 14
Height: 159 cm (5'3")
Weight: Somewhere in the "needs a sandwich" category.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Shouder length, straight and black // Waist-length, wavy and blonde
Medical Info: BRAIN CANCER BRAIN CANCER BRAIN CANCER BRAIN CANCER. It's not something she's open about, but it's raging pretty hard (it did in fact kill her). She's very prone to headaches and collapsing lolol. She's being taken from after her death, but I will totally play up the occasional brain ache.
Physical traits: ... teenage JPop idol! She's a pretty, normal looking girl? Sometimes she is a blonde super heroine though. Just not always.
What's Okay To Mention Around Her: Oh, just about everything. I'm taking her from the end of 47, so she knows she's dead and that the brain cancer killed her before the operation could. If you want to spoil her for the end of the series, she prooobably won't believe it. TELL HER ABOUT THE ANIME man she might enjoy that.
Abilities: She has a little silver bracelet on her left wrist; It's a bunch of roses on a chain. When she does her super special henshin pose and yells out "Venus Power! Make-Up!" she has a
magical girl transformation and becomes Sailor Venus. Find more about Venus
As Minako, she is a singer! A GREAT SINGER. Her songs move everyone who hears them.
Notes for the Psychics: SOUL OF A PLANET? Prooobably thinking about THE PAST LIFE, her mission, the Princess~, Mars Reiko, serious business stuff. Brain cancer. She's big on planning things and being serious.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Yes! She hates losing and is very competitive though. Be warned. Go for it.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: You know what, go for it. We will see how it goes.
Maim/Murder/Death: ... if it's in a fight, sure. Why not. She's a good fighter, though.
Cooking: Maybe?