Well, for the most part, anyway. So where do I begin? Well, I got up the nerve to call Kyle, and it was heartwrentching, but I needed to talk to him regardless. He wasn't answering my IM's sooooooooo, yeah. It was a little nervwracking too. We are on the same page at least, and it looks like we won't be getting back together...I think I really hurt
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more to come...one more post
Upon the telivision, that always shows white snow when Radar was taking a shit, Jack the Rabbit chose his moment to strike his venomouse pose.
more to come....
Jerry lay on the ground defensless, his legs repossesed in the name of French Cuisine everywhere. He cried a faint cry as the villounous Jack stole there last peice of Bohemian carpet, when a miricle occured. Radar, thanks to the wonders of fiber, had had a backage. His ass had built up enough fiber to thwart once and for all the doings of Jack. And as Jack unknowingly dragged the Bohemian carpet past the bathroom door, a great loud blast of a bats ass, blew the Rabbit out the window covered in shit, out past the heavens and into the stars. Radar passed out...the effort was beyond his ability to hand on....
Jerry, pulling forcefully with only his arms, leggless, crawled helpless to his unconcious friend. Covered in shit. After blowing enough ass to throw a rabbit into the stratisphere. he came to his freind Radar, the parent killing bat, who now lay gasping his final words.
"Radar! Hold on good buddy!" said Jerry, wincing in pain.
"gasp" Replied Radar.
"God was right Radar, you did it, you were right in your ways, and i failed us..." Jerry weaped.
A strong moment of silence passed, a moment of reflection, if you will, while the last words of the last parent killing bat spoke his final words....words that would one day be heard around the world...finnaly Radar spoke, his head lifted by Jerry the frog, who lost his legs to a tax-collector. In there last embrace, Radar wispered,
"My fucking ass hurts, man." Gasp. "no, really , dude. Fuck this lame ass story. My Anus is BLEEEDING!"
i would now like to appologize to all of the following
Bats with Fiber problems
Frogs named Jerry
Tax Collectors
The Mandeles Brothers
New York
Lawyers in general
and General Mills
the previous story was not intened to offend any of the the above mentioned named, it was simply written in the hopes that Ainoeri would frikkin piss herself reading it.
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