amber 04.
kame/jin // (koki/maru and surprise pairings)
pg-15 for this chapter // fluff, romance, angst // AU
word count (for this chapter). 6,600
It was devoted, it was passionate, it was love. Perfect, wonderful and so very fragile.
...and then comes the storm )
Comments 30
koki know kazuya and he's the man that broke his heart...
OMG what did kazuya do...
what's actually happen to him...
uwaa soo many thing I want to know...
please update soon~~~
and thanks for this one~~~
hope u update soon~ :D
Maybe I had a really nice day,because after such a chapter I would usually be sad or worried or I would die for the next chapter but somehow I feel excited,amused and really happy (in a crazy mode though xD).
I'm not gonna start making specualtions or voice out my opinions xD Though I have to admit,if Kame is the one that did all this mess then I'm super glad cause this means that the fic is gonna have an even more amazing plot from now on :) So I'll just wait patiently (yeah,sure xD) for the next chapter.
You know,I think updating today was the best gift you could do to me xD *HUGS*
So Kazuya was the person who made Koki's life miserable.
There re a lot of drugs in Kazuya's home.
Who was the burglar? Was is really Kame or someone who has done it for him?
We know nothing about the disease and neither if it's really Kazuya who is sick.
Then there is Kazuya's wife as well who has just appeared in the past.
And not to forget Tat-chans "I'm sorry".
Soooo many things need to be answered.
I hope some questions will be unfolded in the next chapter ^______^
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