(no subject)

Jul 10, 2008 00:19

actually I wanted to blog abit about what Harris said in class today which was rather thought-provoking and true. but now that i'm finished with my essay and sent it to the teacher, i'm so sian to do that. hah so i was surfing the net and found this:

Ingredients: natto, okra(lady's finger), yam, udon, umeboshi, green onion, men tsuyu(noodle dipping sauce)

side note: umeboshi according to Wikipedia is :
Umeboshi (Japanese: 梅干; literally "dried ume") are pickled ume fruits. Ume is a species of fruit-bearing tree in the genus Prunus, which is often called a plum but is actually more closely related to the apricot. Umeboshi are a type of tsukemono, or traditional Japanese pickled food, and are very popular in Japan. Many Japanese have Umeboshi for breakfast or lunch. Umeboshi are usually round, and vary from unwrinkled to very wrinkled. They taste salty, and are extremely sour due to high citric acid content - they have been known to corrode their way through aluminium lunch boxes if kept in the same spot every day.

Umeboshi are often cited in Japan as being extremely healthy. The standard Japanese folk remedy for colds and flus is okayu (Japanese congee) with umeboshi.

i doubt i ever would want to try such a DIY udon. haha i bet our miss annabelle leow might try it for its avacado!! haha


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