Apr 14, 2008 13:20
Arsenal entertains me. it really does. i could remember the anguish on my bro's face when Hargreaves scored and when the morale of the Gunners was low sighh. But overall, it was an entertaining match! what was more entertaining was definitely my brother and Timmo's conversation before the match, they had my mom and i in tears. OMG i'm so going to watch soccer regularly with the two of them. it is Entertaining with a capital E to the MAX!
sadly, going to school, many people were talking bout the match and how Man Utd won blah blah blah, rather sad how Arsenal didn't take their chances. the difference between the champs and young? oh well haha it was a good match plus I MISS THE PRESSENCE OF EQUARDO gosh, i hope he gets well soon though with his broken bone n all...
econs lecture test was haha to say the least, interesting. with me and vera having studied little, hahaha hope for the best
i've no idea why i'm LJing now when there's nothing to LJ bout hahaha. oh well i know i'm going to have a great week ahead!!! Musicfest!! i'm just so glad that Abah finally got tickets! YAY musicfest with Rach, Abah, Hwee, Xinlin and ANthea. woots so much fun ahead!
k this is an utterly boring post i apologise... haha so Sayonara for now....