
Jul 16, 2009 12:27

Last updated 17 weeks ago.

Uhhh... yeah. About that. I think I'll just say that I like listening far more than I enjoy talking and leave it at that. Also there's been a bit of a busy factor.

Quick update: Robots vs. Fake Robots was made of more sexy robot awesomeness than we dared dream. Many thanks to those of you who came to wallow in your hopelessly smelly humanity with us. We appreciate your peetleness in our audience (the biggest yet, not counting last year's Fringe!)

We took a day to strike the set, and the very next day started in on SQUAWK, our foray into military drama combined with a little penguin buddy action. Like all of our Fringe shows, it's an original script (and again by John) and the rehearsals have been great. We had our military specialist come in last night and we're now a much tidier bunch of soldiers.

Directing sidebar: nothing encourages an actor to be off book more than having to salute and be at attention frequently during the course of a play. Fear of papercuts on their face is a great motivator.

In terms of other life, I wish I had more to tell you than the theatre bits. But these days I go to work (at a jewelry company just outside of downtown), head straight to rehearsal, eat a quick dinner, rehearse, have meetings and tumble into bed once I get home. In the margins, we've managed to do some pet sitting (my mini bite from Chewie has healed), see a couple of our friends (but not nearly enough of you) and... well, surely we've managed to do something else? Ah, we hosted a visit from John's mother, who is an amazingly good sport about our poor guest facilities.

But I very much miss my family and friends. And once things calm down, I hope that you're all still around.

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