It was the lovely
china_shop who came up with the idea of
ds_con_envy and it provided a perfect opportunity to commiserate with fellow fans unable to go to exoitc Seattle nad the
bitchinparty con. It certainly did so for me.
There were lots of fun random stuff posted at the comm itself. I failed at the picture game as my brother has lost his model Riv that I was going to use for the photo game. I really need to buy my own Riv. Anyway...whilst I didn't post any photos
snoopypez and
tigerkity16 did! YAY! Sage posted a picture of Tales of the City so there was 6 degrees and everything (and I found the sequel in the library on Friday - co-incidence? I think not).
snoopypez posted her very cute rats (which proved the theory of top!Fraser) and
tigerkity16 posted a very cute (though perhaps not entirely authentic) caribou among other Canadiana (is that a word?).
china_shop posted a list of the vids that would be watched at bitchinparty so we could all share in the vid joy. Even is said joy was between ourselves and our pets and involved comments like - that was good which no-one could hear. I mean if a fan watches a vid on the same day as another fan aren't they watching together? Or something. Anyway there were some excellent ones and it was nice to see some old favourites linked.
Perhaps one of the highlights, for me anyway, was the chat. I was dragged into the chat by
monroe_nell who is evil but persuasive. When I entered
eledhwenlin and
leonandras were already there. Sadly Leo suffered laptop issues throughout the chat and we didn't get to see as much of her as we would have liked.
Still we got to watch two of my favourite season 2 episodes (total co-incidence of YAY!). The first was Mask which is getting more love these days (which it deserves). I mean, come on, the thing opens with Fraser on a date with Ray in a dark and virtually deserted museum. What's not to like? Needless to say the discussion was animated. We had everything form the brilliant use of music (dS rules with soundtracks) to wild theories. For it was decided (under the crack of myself and
monroe_nell) that Fraser was raised by wolves (who we decided later were librarians - I think that was
luzula's suggestion) who tuaght him to kill with his brain. I am currently writing a WIP based on this very idea :-)
Where were we? Oh yeah Mask. Very good episode. It was enjoyed by all. Also Fraser's forearms. Nuff said really.
It was the evil but brilliant
monroe_nell who decided Bird in the Hand would be an excellent episode to do next. I agreed because... Bird in the Hand people! Where was I? Oh yes. Bird in the Hand with dead!Bob! And Fraser with the boot and the knife throwing and father issues nad Ray! Eating doughnuts. It was decided that clearly Fraser gets himself arrested so Ray can bail him out and they can have joyous post-bail sex. Obviously.
luzula joined us for that one I think. I cannot remember. I know she was there. Yes. No doubt someone will correct me. In my defence I had ingested a large amount of chocolate that evening.
The chat 'n' view for BITH went very well anyway.
It was then I had to leave because it was very late and I had work in the morning. I have no idea what transpired after I had gone to bed or what was watched.
Saturday's chat was quiet as it ended up just me and
sageness for the whole time I was there and we had other things going on (I had the dubious pleasure of family boardgames taking me away form the computer but we won't go there) so we didn't chat much and there was no viewing. Unless that is you count viewing a computer screen.
Sunday's chat there was erm...also no viewing. At least when I was there. There was just nobody online to try and round up. It was myself,
sageness and
eledhwenlin on Sunday night I think (why yes I had ingesting large amounts of chocolate pretty much all weekend). We did a bit more chatting mostly about travel bad!fic and Canada. And it was all good.
Viewing may have take place when I wasn't there of course.
One reason the chat ad view was quiet was everybody's rush to get their ficlets finished. I posted mine early as I had a busy weekend and wouldn't have time to do them. It was fun to write a little ficlet for a change. And I did get two lovely ficlets in return from evil but humorous
monroe_nell (Narnia crossover ftw!) and the lovely
primroseburrows (yay fishing schmoop!). But of course the ficlets and icons were there for everybody to read and admire. Every time I refreshed the flist something new had popped up. The beauty of those not at bitchinparty was we got to read and comment and such first. Nods.
There was a great variety of stuff produced and such a large amount. Go fandom.
In conclusion yes
ds_con_envy was not an actual but it helped alleviate the jealous pangs for some of us, at least until all the fun con reports began. So to redress the balance I thought I;d let you all know what a great time I had in the virtual company of some lovely fangirls who proved all you need is a computer and an internet connection to have fun at the weekend (and the chocolate helped too).
Huge thanks to
china_shop and
sageness for letting us deprived fangirls come together, do some chatting, write and post fic, look at pretty shiny icons etc. Thank you.