A fic meme - a meme of first lines...

Dec 08, 2007 09:08

A fic meme shamelessy snaffled from nakeisha (at her suggestion).

Take the first sentence (or two/three) from the first story posted of each month of 2007. That's your fic year in review.

January (there's actually 2 for this so you can take your pick)

Mpreg - The lights in the hospital corridor were too bright, and the white walls and the white floor weren't helping. Fraser looked down at Ray. He was lying in a blue gown on the gurney, ready to be wheeled in. ( ginger bunny)

Non-mpreg - Ray Vecchio was a happy man. He’d been able to stay the night with a certain Mountie and they’d spent most of it making love over and over. It had worn them both out. ( It's Wisdom Born of Pain)

February (there's actually 2 for this so you can take your pick)

drabble - Ray pants a little in shock as he looks over the cliff. He keeps a tight hold on Fraser as he realises how close his best friend came to going over that cliff. ( Unamed drabble)

not- drabble - I’m still in shock as I stare after you, remembering the words you just told me; ‘like you, he is pretending to be someone he's not.’ How the hell do you know? ( Detective Armani)


The music ended and Fraser wasn’t entirely sure what he should do now. It had been simple, gentlemanly, to dance with Miss Burns, but now. Now he was holding the woman unsure of what to say or do. ( Catching buttons)


Fraser didn’t used to need human touch. He had been perfectly happy to go without that was until he realised what he had been missing. Ray was very good at conveying a great deal of emotion, friendship and love through one touch. ( A Lover's Touch)


He fingered the photograph gently; the corners were beginning to look a bit dog eared. Fraser made a mental note to put the picture in a book to press the corners back into shape. ( An Inner Ear Imbalance (Fraser/OFC))

June (there's actually 2 for this so you can take your pick)

Special Agent Gibbs walked purposefully to Abby’s lab. He hadn’t heard from her in the last hour, not even for a request for more caffpow. (Not Quite a Sequel - Gifts (Posted at GJ, Gibbs/Ducky, Fraser/Vecchio, Abby/McGee - nakeisha giftfic))

LJ post - “Benny, Dief’s shed on the bed again,” Ray said, examining the sheets.

“Erm, Ray, that’s not Diefenbaker’s hair.” ( Hair of the Werewolf)


Ray sat in the hospital corridor. Fraser was in surgery right now. Surgery he shouldn’t even have to be having if it weren’t for Ray. ( Looking back)


The first time it happened Ray had barely been aware of what Fraser was doing, but then he'd had his back to him. He’d felt a gentle touch to his shoulder and had turned around to see Fraser examining a tiny piece of lint. ( Four Times Fraser Picked Lint Off Ray For Practical Reasons And The One Time Ray Realised There Were Reasons Other Than Practical)

September (there's actually 2 for this so you can take your pick)

drabble - Ray figured there were Inuit stories and there were Inuit stories. Most of them were boring stories about how some caribou found somewhere to live, or a guy discovered that swimming in a river wasn’t always a good idea. But there was one Inuit story that when Fraser told him that he could really relate to. ( Inuit Tale)

non-drabble - Fraser sat up in bed tucking into the breakfast Doctor McKinley’s sister had prepared. He was feeling better everyday, his injuries were healing nicely, and he had Ray. In fact Ray had been wonderful during his convalescence, talking to him, listening to him, just being there. ( The Mountie and the Green Dragon - Surprises)


5.36 PM - Detective Ray Vecchio arrives at the Consulate to take me home. I allow Diefenbaker to get in first. Then I get into Ray's car, a 1971 Buick Riveria.

5.37 PM - Ray ignores a stop sign. I mention it to him but he pretends not to notice.

5.38 PM - Ray ignores another stop sign. I realise he is doing it on purpose. ( Itinerary aka My Itinerary of last Tuesday Evening by Constable Benton Fraser, RCMP.)


“Why are we tracking a polar bear, Fraser?” Ray asked, as they trudged through ever deeper snow.

“I told the village elders I’d help,” Fraser replied, bending down to look at a snow covered log before changing direction.

“And what are we going to do when we find this bear?” ( Polar Bear Rug)


“It’s bad news I’m afraid, Mr Fraser,” the doctor said, solemnly.

Fraser braced himself. His symptoms had been getting steadily worse for the past few weeks. He hoped the tests would provide an answer of some sort, even if it was a bad one. ( That's Amore)


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