Updates of the ginger kind

Aug 26, 2007 11:12

The ginger bunny was been updated yesterday. FINALLY! And there was much rejoicing. And no doubt some whimpering (those of you who go ewwwww at the idea of mpreg should see what I put together on paint the other night mwhahaha.)

I have also begun work on my website. And by work I mean half an hour on Geocities playing with things and not accomplishing much. I have now removed links to my fiction and the like off the frontpage the theory being that you will click on the picture (and it is a nice picture but I am pondering changing it) to enter. I just have to work out what is going to be on index page 2. I have all these ideas for cutsie random names for things but as yet I am not sure.

I seem to have some wierd spot thing on the edge of my upper eyelid. I really hope it doesn't turn into another coldsore. Yes folks normal people get coldsores around their mouths. I get them around my eyes. And putting cream on the edge of your eyelid? Very tricky. It involves cottonbuds and a steady hand. I have cottonbuds.

website, update, random rl, ginger bunny

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