Well we're two thirds of the way through, that sounds less than I thought it would...
I chose to take this next prompt literally.
Title: A little more action
Fandom: due South
Pairing: Fraser/Vecchio
Prompt: 16. rock and roll
Word Count: 349
Rating: PG
Summary: Fraser leaves Ray 'all shook up'. Gratuitous Elvis references.
A little more action
“Hey, Benny, you ready to go?” Ray asked as he finished bounding up the consulate stairs.
“Yes, Ray, I’ll just get my coat,” Fraser replied as he disappeared back into his office.
Ray waited patiently until Fraser reappeared. “Benny, what is that?”
“What is what, Ray?”
“That music.” Ray clarified as noise coming form Inspector Thatcher’s office down the hall.
“Oh, I believe it’s Elvis.”
“The Elvis?”
“The king of rock and roll?”
“Yes, Ray, that Elvis.”
“Why is the Dragon Lady playing Elvis?”
“It seems the superintendent general is rather fond of it, and to make his visit go more smoothly Inspector Thatcher decided that it would be a nice gesture to play some of his favourite music.”
“Yes, Ray.”
“I just figured an old Mountie wouldn’t like Elvis.”
“Mounties are full of surprised, Ray,” Fraser pointed out with smile. Alluding to a surprise Ray had had that very morning when they’d woken up together.
“Yeah, well, I already knew that.”
“I’m glad to be able to inform your opinion, Ray.”
“I appreciate, Benny,” Ray grinned. “Even if you get me all shook up.”
“I don’t shake you, do I, Ray?”
“It’s an Elvis reference, Benny, it means…you know.”
“I don’t know.”
Ray sighed. Fraser was going to make him say it. “You get me excited.”
“Oh well, you shake me up too, Ray.”
“Shook up, Benny…it’s…” Ray paused. “Never mind, let’s go home.”
“There is one thing I’d like to do when we get home, Ray.”
“Yeah? What’s that?”
“Well I’d like you to tell me more about rock and roll.”
“How about I show you?”
“I’d like that, Ray. But do we have to wear…erm, blue suede shoes?” Fraser asked.
“How about we don’t wear anything at all?”
“That’s a very good idea, Ray.”
“Thank you. I’m glad I won’t be lonesome tonight”
“Another Elvis reference, Ray?
“Yeah you know they make good pickup lines.”
“I agree, Ray. But perhaps a little less conversation?”
Ray simply grinned as he took Fraser’s hand and they headed home where they proved even Mounties could rock and roll.