Two down more to come...
Title: You wouldn't catch me dead in drag. Could you?
Fandom: due South
Pairing: Fraser/Vecchio
Prompt: 10. Like a girl.
Word Count: 379
Rating: PG
Summary: Fraser can talk Ray into *anything*.
You wouldn't catch me dead in drag. Could you?
“Benny, are you sure about this?” Ray asked nervously.
“Quite sure, Ray.”
“This isn’t my colour.”
“On the contrary, Ray, I think green is very much your colour.”
“Look just because I have a green car does not mean I should wear green clothes.”
“It matches your eyes,” Fraser replied, touching Ray’s cheek tenderly.
“Flattery will get you everywhere, Benny,” Ray replied with a slight smile. “I wouldn’t even be wearing this if it wasn’t for you.”
“I appreciate it, Ray.”
“I mean, I don’t dress up like a girl for just anyone you know. I mean I wouldn’t be caught dead in drag and now I’m wearing a dress. People can't find out.”
Fraser smiled. “Oh I know, Ray. I won’t tell anyone. It is a good cause.”
“A good cause? To keep an eye on the daughter of a Canadian minister and her no good boyfriend? That is not a good cause, Benny. I’m doing this for you because you’re able to talk me into anything. You had me in a dress before I could say no.”
“I appreciate it, Ray.”
Ray changed the subject. “So after this is over I’ve got reservations.”
“At a restaurant?”
“No, at a baseball game,” Ray joked. “Of course at a restaurant.”
“I’d love to, Ray. Will you be wearing this dress?” Fraser asked running a hand over the smooth material.
“Do you want me to?”
Fraser licked his lip. “Well, you look very good in it, Ray.”
“Yeah, now you know how I feel when you’re wearing pantyhose.”
Fraser glanced down. “Are you wearing pantyhose?”
“Benny!” Ray said, making sure his legs were covered. “You’ll just have to find out.”
“Do I have time now?”
“No, but when this is over I want you to help me get out of this. You did a great job of getting me into it.”
“Yes, Ray.”
“Don’t give me like that look,” Ray pouted. “Now is my wig straight?”
Ray never got a reply. Fraser was too busy kissing him and working on the zipper at the back of his dress. Okay, maybe they did have time after-all Ray thought. After all getting out of the dress was much more fun than wearing it.