Hi flist.
Hell Aingeal's flist.
So, Benny it's our last entry today.
Yes, Ray. I have enjoyed our experience of blogging.
It’s been interesting.
Perhaps we should get our own journal?
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Benny. We managed to fill this up for 5 days but can you honestly see people wanting to read more than that from us?
Let's concentrate on this, okay?
Alright then, Ray. I'd like to thank everyone who read Aingeal's LJ this week.
Yeah thanks to everyone.
Ray, did you read the FAQ?
You asked me to, of course I did.
Don't you think you left it a little late?
Better late than never.
Diefenbaker read it too?
Of course he did.
See, Benny.
Yes, that’s very good Dief.
There's all kinds of stuff you can do with it.
I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Ray.
Yeah and I found that not Aingeal left us.
She left us a note?
Yeah, you know suggestions about what to write while she was gone.
Did we do any of it, Ray?
Yeah some of it.
You don't think she'll mind?
Ah alright then.
But reading the FAQ did me a give an idea.
It did?
Yeah we can do a poll.
Because it’s fun.
It may help us gain us some audience feedback.
Exactly., so let's make a poll.
Do you know what you’re doing, Ray?
Are you sure that goes there?
There we go, what do you think, Benny?
It looks fine, Ray. You seem to have covered everything.
Great so let's post it.
Poll Did you enjoy this week? We hope you've enjoyed this week and we hope to talk to you soon.
We aren't talking to them, Benny.
I know, Ray, but in a way we are, we’re sharing our experiences.
Okay, we are but talking is like speaking, verbally.
Not always, Ray, in fact the written word can often be more...
Yeah time to go, Benny.
Goodbye Aingeal's flist and other people reading this.
You mean more people were stalking us?!
Not stalkers, Ray, fans.
Okay, bye fans.
Yes, we hope you enjoyed it.
Benny, stop typing.
Yes, Ray.
You too Dief.
You want the last word, ray?
Maybe. Bye.