Changing a lightbulb

Aug 16, 2006 10:23

Hello Aingeal's friendslist.

Yeah, hi.

Today we're going to share with you some typical moments in our lives. As it seems to be the custom on LJ.

Benny, nothing is typical about our lives.

Well, there's dinner with your family.

That's not typical, Benny, that's a lesson in survival tactics.

I admit it can be a bit...

Loud? Confusing?


Yeah, that too.

But I do enjoy it.

Yeah but it’s not typical.

It’s typical for us. Once a week you take me to eat dinner with your family.

Because Ma likes to fuss over you.

On Friday nights we always have pizza.

What makes you think these people want to hear about what we eat on each day?

Well they do seem interested in our lives.

Yeah but I mean I'm interested in basketball it doesn't mean I have to know what Michael Jordan has for breakfast.

It might be interesting thought, Ray to know what an athlete has for breakfast and compare it to your own lifestyle.

Benny, you think the mating calls of a moose are interesting.

They are, especially if you want to know the position of the local bull moose, they can be dangerous during the breeding season.

Look, we talked about food yesterday.

That was Diefenbaker’s idea.


Yeah so, it looks like we're copying the wolf.

We're not, Ray.

That's what it looks like.

Well I wasn’t going to limit this entry to our food. I was going to talk about the other things we do together, such as playing one on one basketball, helping out at the homeless shelter, running errands for your mother...

Fraser! How are they gonna find that interesting? Unless they're stalkers.

They're not stalkers but we do attract a lot of interest.

So you’re telling me that people would be interested if I out in about us changing a light bulb?

Possibly. I was thinking more of the special moments.

There’s nothing special about running out to lettuce for Ma.

Not necessarily. There is that interesting anecdote of the switched meat at the supermarket.

What the dog meat one?

Yes, Ray.

And it took me four showers to make sure those parasites were off.

They wouldn't have stayed on you, Ray.

They were parasites, Benny, I never wanted them on me in the first place.

But you see, Ray that's how something from our everyday lives can be interesting.

Nothing is dull with you is it, Benny?

You've told me this before, Ray.

So if we were going to tell the story of changing a light bulb it would go something like this: Fraser didn't have any light bulbs so we had to go down to the store to get some.

Why wouldn't I have nay light bulbs? I usually have 5 boxes.

You gave them away to your neighbours.


So we go down to the store to get some light bulbs.

This seems typical, Ray.

But then when we're in the store a masked guy comes in and starts smashing the place up.

Why, Ray?

Because he has a grudge against the store owner.

I see.

So the guy smashes the place up and takes off. We chase after him but you lose him.

I lose him?

You think I could keep up?

You could, Ray.

Okay so we lose him. We go back to the store and we question the store guy, who doesn't tell us much. So you tell him an Inuit story.

Any particular one?

They all work.

Alright, Ray. So I tell him an Inuit story.

Yeah, and so he breaks down and tells us his daughter has got involved with the son of the supermarket owner whose trying to run him out of business.

Oh dear, Ray.

So we go to see the supermarket owner and he isn't co-operating then you see some mud and you realise he's been stealing lettuces.

That seems an odd thing to steal, Ray.

I'm talking hypothetically.

I understand, Ray.

So we go to catch them and you work out where they're stealing from because it's a special kind of mud.

I see. This is just an observation, Ray, but what does this have to do with light bulbs?

Well he's stealing them too.


So we catch them in the act and the son talks to his father about all the bad things he's been doing so the father turns himself in.

That’s it?

Well we have a fight with the goons.

Oh, good, Ray.

Don't sound so pleased, Benny.

What about Dief?


Yeah well Dief of course tracks down some stolen light bulbs and growls at the goons.


Thank you, Ray.

So the store owner…

Who sells light bulbs.

Yeah, is so grateful he gives us a box of light bulbs.

That's very nice of him, Ray.

It would have been nicer if he’d given us more than one.

Ray, never look a gift horse in the mouth.

Okay so then we change the light bulb but there’s problems with the ladders and so it continues.

Do we ever change the light bulb, Ray or should I go back to candles?

Oh yeah we change it.

And then we have pizza?

Yeah, then we have pizza.

That's a lovely story, Ray.

Thank you, Benny.

We hope you enjoyed it.

Yeah bye flist.


Something they say.

Ah you have been reading these journals.

Yeah, I like them.


Yes, Diefenbaker we should go, I think a light bulb needs changing.


dinner, light bulbs, ray tells a story, typical moments

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