The Big due South LJ Fandom Poll

May 20, 2006 17:36

Here is The Big due South LJ Fandom Poll I've put together (many thanks to nakeisha for her help ( Read more... )

the big ds lj fandom poll, the big ds fandom poll

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Comments 23

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aingeal8c May 20 2006, 21:32:48 UTC
What a comprehensive, interesting poll.

Thank you and thank you for taking part.

I've never taken one quite like it and you seem to have covered all the bases.

Having re-read over it I can tell I have missed a few things out - noticably the pairings I have forgotten to add a few major ones but there were so many!

Maybe you could add an option for those who saw some but not all the seasons in first run.

I wish I could but sadly LJ doesn't have that option. Once the poll gets posted it won't let me edit the code.


clandescent May 20 2006, 21:14:16 UTC
Wow! That's some poll, lol. I had trouble picking my favourite episodes, I managed to pick them but ask me again tomorrow and I'll probably give different answers!

Poor RayV, only 5% said he was their favourite character (so far). I said I didn't have one because if I'm watching S1-2 then RayV is my favourite but if I'm watching S3-4 then it's RayK, I gave up trying to compare my affection for each of them a long time ago.

Thanks for doing this poll, I love to know what people think of dS. The only thing not on the poll that I would like to know is how people reacted when RayV left and how emotional they got when they watched 'Call of the Wild'.


aingeal8c May 20 2006, 21:38:30 UTC
Wow! That's some poll, lol.


I had trouble picking my favourite episodes, I managed to pick them but ask me again tomorrow and I'll probably give different answers!

Me too. I struggled.

Poor RayV, only 5% said he was their favourite character (so far).

Yeah although he should have one more vote some silly person (ie yours truly) selected the wrong option.

I gave up trying to compare my affection for each of them a long time ago.

That seems a very good idea.

Thanks for doing this poll, I love to know what people think of dS

Me too. I have to say so far it's surprising me.

The only thing not on the poll that I would like to know is how people reacted when RayV left and how emotional they got when they watched 'Call of the Wild'.

I cried. BDTH I bawled my eyes out watching that phonecall.

Who knows one day I might have to a big poll again.


clandescent May 20 2006, 21:50:36 UTC
I cried.

Me too *rolleyes*. I cried for a week, first at the part with Fraser's mum and then when I realised that it was the final episode I was inconsolable and I cried myself to sleep that night and every night that week. For a long time I held out the hope that it would come back or that there would be film. If I'm honest, I still have that hope...


aingeal8c May 20 2006, 21:56:57 UTC
For a long time I held out the hope that it would come back or that there would be film. If I'm honest, I still have that hope...

You never what might happen. *optomist ;-)*


slybrarian May 20 2006, 23:51:25 UTC
Wow, that's a huge poll. Interesting, too. So far I'm the only guy that's responded. I'm also a bit odd in that I've only read the fanfic, not actually seen the show (yet - I plan to buy the DVDs soonish.)


tyk May 21 2006, 00:03:06 UTC
it was fan fic that got me interested and started me watching when it was on reruns on TNT...


ifreet May 21 2006, 03:39:20 UTC
I started on the fanfic, too, since a number of authors I'd liked in other fandoms had written dS stories. I read a few, and they were interesting and often weird. And then I noticed that many of them were weird in uniform ways and realized that certain of these weird traits held in common were actually canon... so I had to get the DVDs. Waiting for the final (two) season(s) to be released was a killer, though.

I think at this point in the show's history, there's going to be a number of us fics-first fans, simply because the show hasn't aired in awhile.


aingeal8c May 21 2006, 08:55:14 UTC
Wow, that's a huge poll. Interesting, too.


I'm also a bit odd in that I've only read the fanfic, not actually seen the show (yet - I plan to buy the DVDs soonish.)

Oh yes the DVDs are well worth it.


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aingeal8c May 21 2006, 09:05:27 UTC
Great poll. I never realised how involved in the fandom I was until I had to think about how many communities I am a member of.


I was shocked by how many comms I'm a member of.

Maybe you need to make allowances for that because the combined season three is possibly the favourite season for many fans and they could be scratching their heads going "What season four?"

Yep here in the UK we also just had one combined season - season 3. I think it was only in Canada and the US it was 4. But yeah I'll make sure to mention that in the analysis.

Thanks for taking part.


scriggle May 21 2006, 01:06:39 UTC
I did watch during the first run starting with season 2. I was peripherally involved with the fandom during that time, reading fic, subscribed to a couple of lists. But it wasn't my primary fandom.

I drifted away. I found my way back last spring/summer when I was in Best Buy and saw the Season 1 & 2. I snatched them up fast. *g*


aingeal8c May 21 2006, 09:07:27 UTC
I drifted away. I found my way back last spring/summer when I was in Best Buy and saw the Season 1 & 2. I snatched them up fast. *g*

Ah that's good to hear. :-)

I wasn't invoved i the fandom at all when it first aired but thena few years ago rewatched my old tapes and all of a sudden I had a new love.


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