I love raw oysters, but...

Dec 07, 2009 16:17

Seems that ones harvested from the San Antonio bay recently have contained noroviruses (that's the one that's known for nasty, fast moving and easily transmissible GI disturbances; Not. Fun.).

ProMed says:
"The FDA, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) and the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas,
are investigating about a dozen reports of norovirus-related
illnesses from South Carolina and North Carolina consumers who ate
oysters recently harvested from the San Antonio Bay. Consumers who
purchased oysters on or after 16 Nov 2009 that have a label showing
they came from San Antonio Bay are advised to dispose of the oysters
and not eat them. At restaurants, consumers can ask about the source
of oysters offered as menu items. Restaurant operators and retailers
should not serve or offer for sale oysters subject to this advisory.
Restaurant operators and retailers who are unsure of the source of
oysters on hand should check with their suppliers to determine where
the oysters were harvested. No other seafood is affected by this
advisory. The Texas Department of State Health Services has ordered a
recall of all oysters harvested from the San Antonio Bay between 16
and 25 Nov 2009."

I've sometimes celebrated my birthday with a trip to a raw bar (December has an 'r' in it, they should be relatively safe, right?) maybe not this time.


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