The CDC seriously does have a web page on how to prepare for a
zombie apocalypse (or, in more technical terms, neurodegenarative ataxic satietiy deficience syndrome). When I first encountered this, I had to go to the main CDC website and check to see if it was really them, or just a site made to look like theirs, and yes, it's legit. Though pretty tongue-in-cheek, really.
Actually, it's more a schtick to promote disater awareness, in general, and make reading about what you ought to have on hand more fun. But still...a CDC zombie page! Now I need to go fill some jugs of water and beef up out first aid kit, because my disaster preparedness does not measure up. At least with a third story apartment, once we lock the door we're ok as long as we have food and water; zombies suck at climbing balconies.