Sometimes.... Life really bites a big cock. Ya know?

Mar 12, 2007 07:25

Well I never did update about my grandmother, so let's start there....

For about a year, my grandmother was battling these bladder tumors.  She would have them removed, and they'd just grow back...etc etc.... supposedly they were benign.  Well after about the 5th time of them ccming back, her Dr. decided to do a test to see how her kidneys were functioning.  Turns out the tube from the kidney to the bladder on the right side was totally full of these tumors...and they decided they had to remove her kidney and tube.  While she was in the hospital recovering from that surgery, they noticed she had an arrythmia, but couldn't give her blood thinners or anything like that because she had just had the surgery and had blood in her urine, etc.  Well.... when they sent off the tissues to Sarasota Pathology (where my granny has worked for about 30 years)  they found some malignant cells, and she had to start chemo..... but all the while we were being told it wasn't going to save her life by any means, just slow things down and prolong it a little, hopefully.  She had about 3-4 chemo treatments, and on a Saturday morning about a month ago, she had a massive stroke.  Her right side is paralyzed, she can't really talk.  She spent a couple weeks in the hospital, and now she's at a place called Manor Care, which I hate.  It's a nursing home basically... and we all have heard about those kinds of's scary and sad.  My grandmother and grandfather are 73 and 75, and they both (until all this) worked full-time...very active people.  My grandmother was the one who took care of everything... bills, laundry, dinner, keeping my grandfather in check, reminding him of what he had to do...he's lost without her.  She's been going through all kinds of therapy, but honestly, most of the time you wonder what she's thinking and sometimes it seems as if she wishes she had just passed when the stroke hit...and sometimes, for her sake I wish that she had, too.

But enough about that......for now.

Last Wednesday....I was unexpectantly fired from my job at the vet's office.  That place was so ass backwards it's not even funny.  Working there was like working with a bunch of middle schoolers.   I guess I just didn't fit in cause I wasn't a big enough ass kisser, and I wasn't a snitch.  That's what it boils down to, really....and that's pretty saddening.  Put it this way, there's a lady there who, in the six months I was there, has WALKED OUT, not once, but TWICE!  She throws temper tantrums behind the front desk multiple times on a DAILY basis, and yet, she practically gets PROMOTED.  And someone like me, who loved their job (other than the fact that ppl there would run and snitch on you for the stupidest, simplest thing) was never late (as a matter of fact I was usually about 30 minutes early every day, never called in).....gets FIRED!  I mean, if I came across something that someone had missed, I wouldn't run and tell management, I would just FIX it and move on...which, I guess, as it turns out was the wrong thing to be doing since everyone else did the opposite.  So now, I'm back on the job hunt... Marc's 25th birthday is two days away and I have no money for a present....and our 2 year anniversary is the 22nd and we were supposed to be going camping... but I dunno how we're supposed to do that.  As it turns out though I guess I couldn't have been fired at a better time seeing as how everyone in the house, including the baby, has had that vomiting/diarrhea bug.  Yay me.  OH YEAH....and that bitch, Theresa....had the nerve to say to another who's only been there a month and she was training..."I am so sick of hearing about Hillary's fucking grandmother!"  Ooooh.... not only is that just downright rude, inconsiderate and mean....thems fightin wurds.
All coming from someone who needs to be on freaking Lithium or something....and babies her 15 and 17 year old daughters and has to run to their rescue all the damn time cause they're fighting with someone at school or some shit....and of course, it's never THEIR fault.  And who's sister was in a car accident and almost died near Thanksgiving cause she was driving drunk....but did I say, oh, I'm so fucking sick of hearing about Theresa and her brat-ass daughters or her damn drunk driving sister??? Nooo.. it was, hey Theresa, how's your sister, and how are your daughters doing? any better?  fucking cunt.

Anyhoo... gotta run... the baby has been sick since Thursday, did fine yesterday but today it's back to vomiting/diarrhea.  The poor thing hasn't had any "real" baby food or formula for going on 5 days now....I think that was my mistake today.. she did so well yesterday I tried to give her a full-strength bottle for breakfast this morning and up it came....poor baby.  And I'm supposed to go up there and take my uniforms/key and get my last check..and go to apply at McD's where Markie works just to have a job in the meantime while I'm looking for something I need to make some money to save to buy some clothes to interview in cause nothing fits anymore.


Anyhooo..... I guess thats about it.
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