
Apr 10, 2006 20:03

Well, I went on Saturday morning to start my classes for work...but had to leave about noon because I started having what felt like menstrual cramps. I knew that wasn't 'normal' so I came home, called my doc's office and she recommended that I go to the hospital's labor and delivery ward to get checked out. They kept me for about 2 hours, maybe a little more....I was having some mild, but regular contractions...so they gave me two shots of Brethine to stop them and made me drink 2 liters of water while I was there. After about an hour of not having any more contractions, they sent me home...my orders were to drink & pee, drink & pee....

I've been trying to rest, wasn't feeling so great yesterday...a little congested and had a headache...and by the middle of last night I realized I was sick again with a head cold or sinus infection or something. I had planned on staying home from work today to rest because of Saturday, turns out that was a good idea since I'm sick anyway. I can't believe I'm sick again....it really super sucks when you're pregnant...I'm sure it's not good for Kamryn when mommy's sick...not to mention the fact that there's not a whole lot I can do to ease my suffering. I am able to take Sudafed and Tylenol...though I try to take as little as possible to get the job done. I really feel like crap though.

My belly has been feeling pretty cumbersome over the past weekend, and today. I did some research on a septate uterus and pre-term labor and from everything I was reading, it looks like my chances of having a cesarian are pretty high solely based on the fact that she may not have enough room once she gets a little bigger to turn from the breech position. I don't really LIKE that idea...especially being at risk for pre-term, knowing that it may end up being an emergency C-section..in which case I'll prolly be under general anesthesia, and won't remember a thing about her birth...but I s'pose what's gotta be done to make sure she's healthy, has to be. Not to mention since she's 'living' on the right side of my uterus only...it gets a little uncomfortable at times..really tight and hard when she's up toward the front....but I can deal...
Anyhoo, that's about it for now.
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