Mar 22, 2006 11:04
Today is Marc and my 1-year anniversary....and I *should* be nothing but happy today.
Maybe I'm just being hormonal or moody or whatever, and things are getting to me more than they should....or maybe I have a right to be a little upset and sad. Let me elaborate....
Last year on this day... Marc and I had our very first a matter of fact, it was our very first time meeting each other face-to-face. He picked me up from my house and we went to the Sarasota County Fair. We had a most wonderful time... so since it's our one year anniversary....even though we're expecting, so I can't ride any of the rides... we thought that it might be nice to revisit our first date by going to the fair, and commemorating our anniversary by getting one of those old-tyme pictures taken. Well, nothing ever turns out like you hope it will. We were broke on Valentines Day, and just got each other cards... cause we thought, "It's ok, our anniv. is coming up and we can really celebrate then." Well my mother has managed to pretty much ruin that for us.
We (I), whatever... owe her money. So, when I mentioned to her this morning what we were thinking of doing to celebrate the event...she wasted no time making comments about how we're going to be wasting money by paying to get into the fair when I can't even ride anything, and then spending, "God knows how much more" to get the picture taken. So of course, she comes outside where I was, bringing a $300.00 check of ours (admittedly she's been holding for quite some time cause we got a little behind when J-me decided she couldn't use me anymore for the website...) asking me what she was supposed to do with that, or when she could put it in. Doesn't sound so bad really, but it's the WAY she does it... it's her, "you're going to spend money so when am I gonna get mine, attitude." I tried explaining to her that we were just waiting for Marc's check to clear and we were going to give her more money... it's not like I'm trying to get outta paying her what I owe....believe me, I'm stressed out all the time over the fact that I owe her money....but we're doing the best we can, and I really don't see that us wanting to spend a little money celebrating our one year anniv. makes us horrid people and she needs to berate us about it all the time...
The thing that prolly pisses me off, and upsets me the most is the fact that today, while asking me when she was gonna get the money from us, she mentioned that my brother hasn't paid her anything in, "she-doesn't-even-know-how-long" and that if he doesn't pay her some money soon she's gonna have to tell him to get out.... which, I have to add is the FIRST I have heard about her saying ANYTHING to HIM about money...yet she can hound us constantly....and he makes no effort to pay her, or even SAY he's going to pay her soon....which is such a damn double standard I can't even stand it. I mean shit...if you're gonna bitch about money being least be CONSISTANT with your bitching. Not to mention that I know for a fact Ben owes her WAAAAY more than we do....and has for a very long time....since ohhh...before our trip to Salem in Oct/Nov of LAST YEAR! And we've only owed her a little over a month!
So anyway, after paying her as much as we can afford to pay her with Marc's check tonight and still have enough for him to pay his car insurance.. we'll have about $50.00 in the bank. Which, wouldn't be so bad considering I get paid tomorrow... but I make $7.75 an hour and only work part-time...and we STILL owe her some looks like most, if not all of my paycheck will be going to TA-DA... no anniversary celebrating for us.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still a little happy that we can just spend it together..and that it's been a year...etc. But man, it really is pretty depressing...and I've been crying about it all morning.
I think I'm done with my bitch-fest now...and even if I wasn't...I don't have any more time to spend on it.