Just an update...

Mar 10, 2006 10:55

So, Marc is pretty excited. Last night, March 9, 2006...9:47pm - He felt the baby kick for the very first time! He ran into my mom's room and told her right away. He's so cute. I can't even begin to express how much I love him, and how thankful I am to have someone so loving and caring to share this incredible experience and my life with. Yesterday, we also hit the 5 month mark in the pregnancy, his 24th birthday is Tuesday and the 22nd will mark our one year anniversary. Wow, so much has happened in a year.

Chad, Rowan and their new baby, Claire, should be here late tonight, or sometime tomorrow from GA for a visit. It's been awhile since I've seen them, Rowan especially... and of course it will be the very first time meeting my new little cousin, Claire. I can't wait to hold her, though I'm still kind of congested, so I may just have to forego that....I don't want to get her sick.

We are going to have so much baby stuff it's not even gonna be funny. It seems everyone has girl stuff they are willing to hand down, and from what I hear (even though it was supposed to be a surprise) Michelle, my boss at the daycare is planning a 'surprise' baby shower for me sometime in June, I think. Her daughter, Rachel, who is in my afterschool class spilled the beans because she wanted to have it sooner than June, lol.

I'm really going to have to lay down the law today when I go into my class. They showed me total disrespect yesterday by ignoring what I was telling them and doing whatever they wanted. I had a talk with Michelle about it yesterday afternoon, and so she is coming in to the class this afternoon to back me up...and we're gonna show those kids who's boss once and for all. I feel bad, because there are a few kids who are ALWAYS good...always listen, always do what they are supposed to...and I'm sure the last thing they want to hear is me barking at the few kids who DON'T all the time. Michelle had told me that on Fridays I could bring in a special snack, and I was planning to... but the few that are hellions have blown that for the whole class, unfortunately. So after this, I'm making up my bitch list...and preparing to go in with an ironclad fist. (so to speak)

There is so freaking much I need to do, and since being sick I just haven't felt like doing any of it. This room is a disaster, and even though my mom helped with some laundry while Marc and I were sick, there's still a ton to do...so tonight, I guess it's off to the laundromat for us...it's the only way we'll ever get it done.
Better get down to business....
Hope this finds everyone well.
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