Feb 12, 2006 09:34
It's Sunday, pretty uneventful thus far. Marc made me some eggs for breakfast this morning, and they were pretty yummy I have to admit! (thanks baby) I'm hoping the weather stays overcast and doesn't get rainy and that my mom wakes up soon and decides she would like to go to Robarts for the Medieval Fair....cause otherwise, Marc and I don't have the money to go, and I really would like to.
I have been thinking about a giant turkey leg and all that jazz since I found out the faire was this weekend. I can't really believe they are having it at Robarts...I got so spoiled as a kid going to the Faire at the Ringling Museum. *cries* It's just not the same, those grounds were perfect....but I guess all those years of hundreds of ppl walking around on them took it's toll and Ringling decided it wouldn't do it there anymore.
I wish I had money to spend a little there, there's always some really cool vendors, but it would be fun just to go.
Hmmm....well I guess that was a pretty boring update, and so instead of putting you BACK to sleep this morning... I'll call it quits.
Have a day.