Oct 25, 2005 23:34
Uploaded about a million new icons... only it turned out to be not so many, because I have 42 more spaces to fill. Let's see, now I have an LOL, a WTF, and an OMG... need to think of more emotions. And I think I have enough Awesome Scenery icons now. *points to current one*
Got to show off my mad iPod-recording skillz today at performance class. (Our piano teacher is out for a few more weeks with her new baby, so she got me to record our classes and send them to her.)
And I finally made it to the new Apple store. I might've stayed in there all day if it weren't for my impatient little sister. (J/k, kiddo, if you're reading this.)
I must get out of this habit of going to bed after 1 or 2... at least on school nights...