Right. I've been tagged by two people already so I guess I should get on with this...
1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
2. Tag seven people to do the same.
3. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it
Don't have anyone to tag because about everyone in my f-list has already done it or tagged. What does it say about me then :P
1. When I'm somewhere where I have to listen but have trouble staying awake (lectures, courses or infos at work etc.) I write anytyhing that comes to mind, with my left hand. After numerous boring lessons I'm getting pretty good at it... :P
2. I have to eat my candies in "families"; all different colours and a black one at the same time.
3. I'm a real bitch when I'm driving the car alone. I keep swearing at all those stupid people who can't drive...
4. I listen to music almost everywhere, almost all the time. There's always music when I'm doing something at home or when I'm at work, I listen to music in the car and when I'm walking with the dogs.
5. I've never had a broken a bone in my body.
6. But I was almost deaf at the age of about three, because of my continuous ear infections and it's almost a miracle I now have almost a normal hearing ability.
7. Despite of my fear of hights and flying I have a secret wish to make a parachute jump some day.